What Are You Keeping to Yourself?

Quick question: Is there a gift, a message, or a product that is inside of you but you are afraid to share it with the world? 🌎

In other words, what are you keeping to yourself?⚡

I asked myself this question, and my answer was a big yes. Then I asked…why? After journaling, I realized that I wanted to create more online courses, but felt like an impostor by doing them, and comparing myself with others didn’t help at all.

I truly believe you have something special and unique that you can share with others, but sometimes we compare ourselves and feel no one will care, so why should I even try. Right?

Then, I came across this children's book called Maybe which opened my mind to all the possibilities that are already inside of us, and I want to share with you one of my favorite parts.

💭 “Maybe you don't know how much you matter. But maybe, just maybe, the world has been waiting centuries for someone exactly like you.” - Maybe by Kobi Yamada

That part made me realize that we are UNIQUE, and it doesn't matter if others are doing something similar, but there will be others that will connect only with YOU.

So, Drum roll, please! 🥁 I am saying yes to my desires, and I'm going to help you share your gifts by guiding you to create your online course! But not just any course, but the one that lights YOU up the most! 💜

You will not only be just creating a course but you will:

  • Create the course that is already inside of YOU!

  • 👻 You will grow by facing the fears that will appear

  • 💜 You will create from a space of feeling enough

  • 🙌 You will be saying YES to your desires!

💜 María Alejandra


Make a List of Fears


03: Film an About Me Video for Etsy Challenge